Local information

Meeting point for departure to Vidojevica (Prokuplje) from Belgrade:

Left departure time at 15:30, right at 16:00 on 5th of June, 2016.

National currency is Serbian Dinar (RSD) with exchange rate of ~123 RSD for 1 EUR.
Make sure to exchange your currency to Serbian Dinars before you leave the airport. The exchange office, ATMs and the banks are located immediately after the customs area in the arrivals hall.
Exchange offices are frequent and easy to find through out the city and all will accept dollars or euros.

If you need to reach the city there are numerous taxi drivers offering service right at the exit of the airport. However, most drivers will try to negotiate the price with you in advance. You should avoid paying more than 2000 dinars (~18 euros) for the trip to city. The best way to get from the airport to the city is through the "taxi voucher system". This way the price is fixed and not the matter of negotiations with the taxi driver. Check the information stands at the airport.  

Plenty of useful information can be found on the site of Tourist Organization of Belgrade!

AC power plugs in Serbia have two-pin sockets (CEE 7/4, commonly called "Schuko" socket), standard for continental Europe. The network is at 50 Hz and 220 V. If necessary please bring an appropriate adapter for your power plugs because we can not guarantee to provide them for you. Helpful information may be found at "AC power plugs and sockets".